Urgent aid to the Guarani Indians of Brazil
Wayanga has been working for 19 years for the protection of the cultural heritage of the indigenous peoples of Brazil and for the protection of the Amazon rainforest. The urgency now is to help the Guarani Indians.
The Guarani Indians living in the "da Ribeira" Valley, in the state of Sao Paulo in Brazil, are in quarantine in their villages to protect themselves from the coronavirus. These villages face, in normal times, a very difficult economic situation and often famine. With their quarantine, they can no longer go to the city to sell their crafts and thus earn enough to buy a minimum of food. And it is imperative that they do not leave their villages because these people are highly vulnerable to respiratory diseases. The Guarani are in urgent need of help so that they can survive and eat during the next weeks of quarantine. Wayanga needs your support to buy food and tools for agriculture, hygiene products, hydro-alcoholic gel ... from supermarkets located in the region where the Guaranis live. We then organize the delivery of food to the villages. We have already delivered the first 3 villages.
URGENT / Update on September 12, 2020
Wayanga’s Covid-19 campaign continues.
Wayanga's Covid-19 campaign continues. We have helped the Guarani Indians since the start of the pandemic to remain protected from COVID confined in their villages, by buying them food, tools for agriculture and hygiene products, thanks to your donations and funding found by Emilie.
“The pandemic continues and to continue to help them we are launching a second appeal for donations. It is urgent and crucial for the survival of these families! ”Emilie Barrucand.
With our help and your help, they won't have to go to town to sell their crafts and buy food - which they normally do - and won't expose themselves to illness. THANK YOU ! Every contribution can make a difference, don't hesitate just click on the yellow donate button below! Unfortunately, stocks are running out and we are launching a second appeal for donations. Every contribution can make a difference, don’t hesitate. THANK YOU !
Make a donation here